Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Yee Haw!

I'm off to Texas to visit my bestest, Kari. While I'm there the M's will be in town as well, so Kari and I will be able to see a game or two. Can't wait! Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

Liz Nicks said...

whats up you 2! it's me Connors daddy,anyway we really miss you guys and thought I would let you know that I had a little talk with Connor last night and pretty much let her know that she is spoken for by the little man you 2 will bring home someday "little Schoosh" Yep thats right she will be a Shweiger someday,LOL,hopefully. Anyway,we love and miss you both,Hey Brian,I keep emailing the team office demanding you become the starting catcher but havent heard back anything yet,i will keep you posted!1LOL take care you 2. DRE