Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wedding Photography

I have had the privilege to work with two AMAZING wedding photographers/mentors the past two weeks. Jen and Jody are so helpful and patient with me, I couldn't ask for better teachers. They have taught me SO much within the past two weekends, that I feel like a whole other person when I'm taking pictures.

I have edited two of the four (yes that's right, FOUR) weddings that I took and they are up in Flickr and are ready to be looked at. I feel that I have also gotten better at editing, it's tedious, but worth it in the end when you get the final product!

Thanks to all those who have encouraged me to follow my dream of photography! Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Well... I had my first day of training on Friday... And it went GREAT! I had an absolute blast! The two photographers, Jen and Jody, are amazing! Just in one day I learned so much! They seemed to have liked me too, b/c they invited me to another wedding that Sunday. Incredible I tell ya! So much fun!

And it looks like I will be continuing to help them throughout the month. Jennifer asked me to accompany her on a shoot this Saturday and next Saturday. Things are finally starting to come together! Yay!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Recent Trips

Sorry it has taken me so long to update the website and my blog! After Rainier, I haven't had much time to catch up on things. Been on the go a lot.

I started helping out my friend Kami with coaching younger kids in polo. I also joined a club water polo team on Sundays. And as of tomorrow, I start my new job as a photographer! I can't wait!

So I have most of the pics from Rainier up. Over the weekend I will post more in Flickr. Thanks for being patient!